Euromed Rights Search

Sexist practices mar the campaign for the legislative elections held in June 2021

1 May 2021


The actor of the backlash

The form of backlash

Rights at stake and state’s obligations


Rights at stake and state’s obligations

May-June 2021: On the posters of electoral lists of certain regions, political parties blurred the faces of female candidates or replaced them with silhouettes. The faces of men, on the other hand, were perfectly visible.

25 May 2021: The Head of “Al-Rashid Governance Front Party,” Issa Belhadi, objectified women candidates in a statement during the election campaign by stating that among the “beauties” on the electoral lists, “we have chosen the best for you: we gave you the selected strawberries, not those going to South Africa”

See VOA, June 2021, TV5 Monde, June 2021 and Algerian Feminism Times, May 2021.